National Geothermal Data System
The Utah Geological Survey is an active participant in the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS). The NGDS is a Department of Energy-funded distributed network of databases and data sites that collectively form a system for the acquisition, management and maintenance of geothermal and related data.
Below are links to much of the Utah data made available through the NGDS program.
Data Type
BOTTOM-HOLE TEMPERATURESDatabase of oil and gas well bottom-hole temperatures (BHT) and associated data throughout Utah obtained from geophysical log headers and corrected to estimate thermal equilibrium temperatures using various methods. This version of the data set represents 1130 corrected BHT measurements from 775 oil and gas wells throughout Utah. |
Spreadsheet |
DRILL STEM TESTS (DST)DSTs provide the most reliable pressure, temperature, and mass-flow rate information for oil & gas reservoirs. Some oil & gas fields may be attractive for geothermal binary-power generation using co-produced fluid. |
DST observations spreadsheet |
GEOLOGIC MAPSRelated geologic map sources for use in relation to geothermal resources. |
Geologic maps of Utah |
HEAT FLOW IN UTAHHeat flow-related data includes: a new map of background heat flow generated from approximately 500 new and existing heat flow determinations; surface ground temperature established continuously across the state; and, a comprehensive thermal conductivity database compiled with more than 2300 measurements on Utah rock. |
Geothermal Resource Assessment |
HOT SPRING DESCRIPTIONSTemperature data provides locations of thermal anomalies that might indicate new geothermal resources. Data pertains to about 285 hot springs in Utah. |
Hot Spring Descriptions |
QUATERNARY FAULTSActive faults may indicate the occurrence of concealed geothermal systems. Links connect to UGS fault data used for the USGS Quaternary faults and fold database, as well as the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC). |
Utah Geologic Hazards Portal
Quaternary tectonics of Utah with emphasis on earthquake-hazard characterization; UGS Bulletin 127 |
SUPPLEMENTAL DATA COLLECTIONAdditional geothermal-related data were gathered from May 2011 through May 2013. The data were obtained mainly from thermal-gradient drilling and sampling in various western Utah valleys with the majority of efforts focused on the collection of data from the Black Rock and Sevier Desert regions of Millard and Juab Counties. These data sets also include lithologic logs of wells, thermal conductivity data, chemical analyses of thermal water, geophysical logs of the wells drilled, and other geophysical data (magnetotelluric and gravity). |
Supplemental data summary report
Temperature-Depth Data – Individual well files Lithologic logs – Individual well files Geophysical logs – Individual well files Water analyses from wells of opportunity and selected springs |
TEMPERATURE-DEPTH (BOREHOLE) LOGSThermal-gradient data are required for heat-flow determinations. Data in spreadsheets augment Southern Methodist University dataset for Utah. |
Individual borehole spreadsheets |
TEMPERATURE AND GEOPHYSICAL (WIRE-LINE) LOGSIncludes temperature and gamma-ray logs for 84 wells plus e-logs, sonic logs and lithologic logs for some wells. |
Well Log Observation spreadsheet |
THERMAL WELL DESCRIPTIONSTemperature data provides locations of thermal anomalies that might indicate new geothermal resources. Data pertains to about 844 thermal wells in Utah. |
Thermal Well Descriptions |
VOLCANIC VENTS AND FLOWSYoung volcanic vents and lava flows provide clues to the recent thermal history of an area and evidence for present-day geothermal history. Links connect to spatial data and reports on the recent volcanic history of Utah. |
Quaternary tectonics of Utah with emphasis on earthquake-hazard characterization; UGS Bulletin 127
QuaternaryVolcanicFlow (SGID93 Geoscience) |
UTAH GEOTHERMAL BIBLIOGRAPHYContains bibliographic citations of geothermal-related information for Utah representing about 1400 publications. The spreadsheet contains links to over 600 online sources. |
Geothermal Bibliography |