Rock & Mineral Collecting Sites

Explore the resources below for rockhounding information. Materials include interactive web maps, collecting rules and regulations, rockhounding clubs, and Survey Notes articles.

Good stewardship of the land requires proper rockhounding etiquette. Depending on your location and the land ownership, additional permits may be required from State and/or local agencies. Respect private property rights and do not trespass. The description of a site in this application does not constitute permission for you to collect on the site. It is your responsibility to determine the actual status of the land and contact the appropriate person or agency for permission.

Rock, Mineral, and Fossil Collecting Rules Utah Rockhound, Gem, and Mineral Clubs Field Specimens vs. Museum Specimens How to Stake a Mining Claim Collect Landscape Rocks on Public Lands

“The Rockhounder”

These articles appeared in Survey Notes between May 1994 and May 2000.

Agate, Chert, Jasper, and Petrified Wood
Between Capitol Reef National Park and Caineville, Wayne County

Bixbyite, Rutile, and Amethyst Crystals
Marysvale, Piute County

Dugway Geode Beds
Juab County

Gypsum Sand
Knolls, Tooele County

Black Rock Desert, Millard County

Mount Nebo, Juab County

Oolitic Sand
Stansbury Island, Tooele County

Smokey Quartz and Feldspar Crystals
Rock Corral Canyon in the Mineral Mountains, Beaver County

Sunstone Knoll, Millard County

Topaz and Other Minerals
Topaz Mountain, Juab County

Vernon Hills, Tooele County

Good stewardship of the land requires proper rockhounding etiquette. Depending on your location and the land ownership, additional permits may be required from State and/or local agencies. Respect private property rights and do not trespass. The description of a site in this application does not constitute permission for you to collect on the site. It is your responsibility to determine the actual status of the land and contact the appropriate person or agency for permission.

Rock, Mineral, and Fossil Collecting Rules Utah Rockhound, Gem, and Mineral Clubs Field Specimens vs. Museum Specimens How to Stake a Mining Claim Collect Landscape Rocks on Public Lands

“The Rockhounder”

These articles appeared in Survey Notes between May 1994 and May 2000.

Agate, Chert, Jasper, and Petrified Wood
Between Capitol Reef National Park and Caineville, Wayne County

Bixbyite, Rutile, and Amethyst Crystals
Marysvale, Piute County

Dugway Geode Beds
Juab County

Gypsum Sand
Knolls, Tooele County

Black Rock Desert, Millard County

Mount Nebo, Juab County

Oolitic Sand
Stansbury Island, Tooele County

Smokey Quartz and Feldspar Crystals
Rock Corral Canyon in the Mineral Mountains, Beaver County

Sunstone Knoll, Millard County

Topaz and Other Minerals
Topaz Mountain, Juab County

Vernon Hills, Tooele County