For Teachers

The Utah Geological Survey offers teaching kits, field trip itineraries, multimedia for the classroom, teacher workshops, and more. These resources are available to Utah teachers and are grade-specific when possible, matching the current Utah State Science Core Curriculum standards.

Teacher Resources

NEW! Geologic Map of Utah Coloring Page

Simplified and printable geologic map of Utah, optimized for coloring. Includes unit labels and a color guide.

Speakers for the Classroom

Other Classroom Speaker Resources:

For rocks & minerals: contact R.O.C.K. club (Rockhounder’s Outreach for Community Knowledge) at 801-808-8421 or rockhoundersock@yahoo.com.

Other organizations such as Thanksgiving Point and the Natural History Museum of Utah have classroom speaker programs that are free or charge a fee.

Field Trip Resources

Speakers for the Classroom

Other Classroom Speaker Resources:

For rocks & minerals: contact R.O.C.K. club (Rockhounder’s Outreach for Community Knowledge) at 801-808-8421 or rockhoundersock@yahoo.com.

Other organizations such as Thanksgiving Point and the Natural History Museum of Utah have classroom speaker programs that are free or charge a fee.

Field Trip Resources

More Teaching Resources

University of Utah

The University of Utah Dept. of Geology and Geophysics – Williamson Geoscience Communication graduate fellows have developed many hands-on teaching resources and field trips for 7-12 public school classrooms.

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Educator Resources

Resources for teachers including information about field trips, teacher workshops, and a learning library.

Utah’s Wonderful Wetlands, An Educator’s Activity Guide

An activity guide developed by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to help educators prepare, conduct, and incorporate wetland field trips into their curriculum.

Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Program Education Resources

Education resources from this program, a part of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, include a list of fun facts about Great Salt Lake, instructions on creating a brine shrimp ecosphere, and a downloadable Great Salt Lake activity book.

The Nature Conservancy Wings and Water Wetlands Education Program

Tour information, field guides, and classroom activities developed for 4th grade students along the Wasatch Front to learn about Great Salt Lake wetlands.

Ecosystem Services, EPA

Mini-lessons for 4th through 6th graders teaching ecosystem services concepts.

Wetlands Education Resources, EPA

EPA recommended educator resources, including activities, teaching guides, and education programs.

Earth’s Kids: Ponds and Wetlands Science

Educational and support resources for parents, teachers, and students.

Society of Wetland Scientists: Wetland-Related Educational Resources

Materials to facilitate the sharing of techniques, skills, tools, and ideas on and about wetland education. Content is intended for college and university professors, teaching assistants, and students.

Utah Office of Energy Development

A collection of Utah SEEd-approved lesson plans on many energy and mineral topics for all grade levels. Topics include oil and gas, mining, renewable energy, and much more. The topics are sorted by grade level: elementary, middle, and secondary.

More resources coming soon!

Teacher Workshops and Professional Development

The UGS participates in selected teacher inservices and workshops. Contact Mark Milligan at 801-537-3326 or markmilligan@utah.gov for further information.

Earth Science Education (ESE) is a resource for teachers to improve their earth science teaching methods in all grade levels. They have many courses across a variety of topics. Visit their website or contact Genevieve Atwood at 801-538-1896 or genevieveatwood@comcast.net.

The Natural History Museum of Utah offers a variety of professional development opportunities to engage in science and engineering practices from the perspective of your students, working side-by-side with scientists to deepen your content knowledge. All Natural History Museum of Utah educator workshops are free for Utah public and charter school educators, and relicensure points or USBE credit will be given for each workshop attended.

Utah Science Teachers Association provides science endorsements for teachers. You can check the calendar to view upcoming courses or search through the different courses they offer.

American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Geoscience Online Learning Initiative: With many geoscience programs now needing to quickly shift to online teaching, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) wants to make sure all faculty are aware of the 29 modules in the free-to-take Geoscience Online Learning Initiative (GOLI) platform, which is a joint effort of AGI, AIPG, SEPM, and ASBOG. GOLI courses range in duration from 1 to 10 hours in length, addressing a range of geoscience topics and skills from writing in the geosciences to geoethics to advanced environmental geochemistry, among others. These modules are ready to go and available for your students right now.

UCAR’s Center for Science Education offers online and in-person workshops for teachers for all grade levels on various earth science subjects including climate, earth systems. View here.

They also offer content for students with videos, interactive pages, and games. View here.

Teacher Awards

Listed below are science teacher awards with cash incentives that are open for nominations. If you would like to add your organization’s award to this list, contact Mackenzie Cope at mcope@utah.gov.

Teacher Workshops and Professional Development

The UGS participates in selected teacher inservices and workshops. Contact Mark Milligan at 801-537-3326 or markmilligan@utah.gov for further information.

Earth Science Education (ESE) is a resource for teachers to improve their earth science teaching methods in all grade levels. They have many courses across a variety of topics. Visit their website or contact Genevieve Atwood at 801-538-1896 or genevieveatwood@comcast.net.

The Natural History Museum of Utah offers a variety of professional development opportunities to engage in science and engineering practices from the perspective of your students, working side-by-side with scientists to deepen your content knowledge. All Natural History Museum of Utah educator workshops are free for Utah public and charter school educators, and relicensure points or USBE credit will be given for each workshop attended.

Utah Science Teachers Association provides science endorsements for teachers. You can check the calendar to view upcoming courses or search through the different courses they offer.

American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Geoscience Online Learning Initiative: With many geoscience programs now needing to quickly shift to online teaching, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) wants to make sure all faculty are aware of the 29 modules in the free-to-take Geoscience Online Learning Initiative (GOLI) platform, which is a joint effort of AGI, AIPG, SEPM, and ASBOG. GOLI courses range in duration from 1 to 10 hours in length, addressing a range of geoscience topics and skills from writing in the geosciences to geoethics to advanced environmental geochemistry, among others. These modules are ready to go and available for your students right now.

UCAR’s Center for Science Education offers online and in-person workshops for teachers for all grade levels on various earth science subjects including climate, earth systems. View here.

They also offer content for students with videos, interactive pages, and games. View here.

Teacher Awards

Listed below are science teacher awards with cash incentives that are open for nominations. If you would like to add your organization’s award to this list, contact Mackenzie Cope at mcope@utah.gov.

More teaching materials can be found under Popular Geology

Rocks & Minerals Geologic History Dinosaurs & Fossils Great Salt Lake Landforms Ice Age Earthquakes, Landslides, & Other Hazards Volcanoes Energy & Mineral Resources