Survey Notes Archive 1976-2001

Survey Notes from 1976 to 2001, Volumes 10 through 33. These issues of Survey Notes are in pdf format.

Survey Notes is an informative, non-technical magazine on noteworthy and interesting geologic topics in Utah. It is the official UGS newsletter and is produced three times a year.

Volumes 32-33

Volume 32 Number 1, January 2000

Survey Notes
Volumes 28-31

Volume 29 Number 3, May 1997

Survey Notes v.29 n.3, May 1997
Volumes 25-27

Volume 27 Number 2, April 1995

Survey Notes v.27 n.2, April 1995
Volumes 22-24

Volume 23 Number 3, Fall 1989

Survey Notes v.23 n.3, Fall 1989
Volumes 19-21

Volume 19 Number 3, Autumn 1985

Survey Notes v.19 n.3, Autumn 1985
Volumes 16-18

Volume 17 Number 2, Summer 1983

Survey Notes v.17 n.2, Summer 1983
Volumes 13-15

Volume 13 Number 2, May 1979

Survey Notes v.13 n.2, May 1979
Volumes 10-12

Volume 10 Number 1, February 1976

Survey Notes v.10 n.1, February 1976