Joint Evening Meeting “Geologic Remapping of the Warm Springs Fault”
Tuesday, October 7, 2014, 6:00 PM
Utah Department of Natural Resources Auditorium,
1594 West North Temple (enter on south side)
Joint Evening Meeting with Association of Environmental Geologists (AEG), Utah Geological Association (UGA), Utah Geological Survey (UGS)
“Geologic Remapping of the Warm Springs Fault”
presented by Adam McKean, Mapping Geologist with the UGS
The Warm Springs fault of the Wasatch fault zone is a down-to-the-west normal fault, bounding the western portion of the Salt Lake salient. Recent geologic remapping of the Salt Lake City North 7.5-minute quadrangle has provided us an opportunity to revisit the Warm Springs fault and its place within Salt Lake and Davis Counties. A draft map of the quadrangle and evidences for the Warm Springs fault location will be presented at the meeting with opportunities for open discussion, questions, and feedback. We invite the geologic and geologic engineering community and interested parties to attend the event and take part in this public comment period.