Media Contact
Hollie Brown
PIO, Utah Geological Survey 801-243-9466
NEW PUBLICATION: Common Wetland Plants of Utah’s Central Basin and Range Ecoregion
Salt Lake City (September 18, 2024) – Have you ever seen an interesting plant and wanted to know what it was? The Utah Geological Survey released a field guide to help you identify 190 common plants in wetlands along the Wasatch Front and West Desert. The guide has photos, key characteristics for each species, and details about similar species that could cause confusion. This book is ideal for both amateurs and experienced natural resource professionals, as well as hobby botanists who want to take their plant ID skills to the next level.
Plants are organized by life forms—such as aquatic plants, grasses, trees and shrubs—to allow users to quickly flip to the correct section. In addition to plant identification information, each species profile contains a habitat description and noteworthy facts, such as wildlife use or caution about toxins.
Many people helped make this book possible. We received generous support from the Colorado Natural Heritage Program, especially Joanna Lemly and co-author Denise Culver, who provided the inspiration and much of the information in this book. Many photographers and illustrators also allowed us to use their images in the book. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funded this project through a Wetland Program Development Grant.
The hard copy book is free in person or can be ordered at the Natural Resources Map & Bookstore. A PDF version is available online at