Energy & Minerals Program
The Energy & Minerals Program provides geologic information to government, industry, and individuals to encourage and aid in the prudent development of the state’s mineral and energy resources; inventories, documents, and researches Utah’s abundant mineral and energy resources; and maintains the Utah Core Research Center.
- Utah Core Research Center – Provides workshops, tours, loans of geologic samples, core slabbing, and facilities to examine geologic cuttings and core, type oils, coal, and selected surface and underground hand samples from Utah. Online catalog available as spreadsheet or interactive map. Learn More.
- Industry Outreach Program – Maintain contact and exchange information with mining and petroleum operators, promote exploration and development opportunites, and respond to technical industry inquiries.
- Economic-Resource Evaluations – Investigate the economic resources of counties, sovereign land tracts, and school trust lands for county governments and state agencies.
- Industry Co-operatives – Oversee joint cooperative research with industry. Projects include reservoir characterization evaluations to improve oil recovery in the Uinta and Paradox basins with applications nationwide.
- Assessing mineral resources on School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration properties
- Calculating coal resources available for future mining in central Utah coalfields
- Characterizing oil and gas reservoirs in the Uinta Basin
- Modeling reservoirs to enhance oil production in the Paradox Basin
- Investigating gilsonite resources of Utah
- Preparing an oil-play portfolio for Utah’s major oil producing regions
- Assessing saline resources of Sevier and Great Salt Lakes
- Assessing geothermal resources of Utah
- Modeling natural CO2 reservoirs in the Colorado Plateau region as analogues for reservoirs to store CO2 emissions
- Assessing geographic variation of coal elements for environmental impacts of coal combustion