It’s hard not to notice the terraces across many of the mountains around Northern Utah. But what are they and how did they get there?
It’s hard not to notice the terraces across many of the mountains around Northern Utah. But what are they and how did they get there?
Check out this highlight on our latest press release regarding the large earthquake probability on the Wasatch Front. Remember that the best way to prepare is to make a plan with your family, pets, and friends. Find earthquake preparedness resources at Be Ready Utah or on our website to help you get started!
In light of scientists’ increasing certainty that a large earthquake will hit the Wasatch Front in the next 50 years, experts say it’s time the state quit downplaying its seismic risk.
Find other articles below:
New report reveals ‘disconcerting’ earthquake risk along Wasatch Front
Chances of Big Quake Hitting Utah
Major earthquake ‘imminent,’ could result in thousands of deaths
Study shows big earthquake could hit Utah in the next 50 years
In the first comprehensive study of its kind for Utah, Earthquake Probabilities for the Wasatch Front Region in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming forecasts the chances for damaging earthquakes in the Wasatch Front region. In the next 50 years there is a 43 percent chance, or nearly 1-out-of-2 odds, of at least one large earthquake of magnitude 6.75 or greater. For a moderate quake of magnitude 5 or greater the probability is 93 percent, or greater than 9-out-of-10 odds.
See images for full press release.
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Utah’s Great Salt Lake has been protecting the Wasatch Front from a potential health hazard for 150 years, but that protection is threatened, say some scientists, by a growing, thirsty population and a drying climate.
Happy Monday! We hope you all had a great weekend. Here’s an article for your afternoon read—sometimes scientists will go the distance to learn about our local surroundings.
Adolph Yonkee is traveling to the Andes Mountains, to learn more about the Rocky Mountains.
Are you earthquake ready? The Great Utah ShakeOut hopes to lend some education in the event of “the big one.” Check out the article for more info!
It’s been said “It’s not if, but when” a major earthquake will hit the Wasatch Front.
This is an exciting new tool on the horizon for planning ahead.
Developers and homeowners will have the opportunity to look at detailed, updated flood hazards along the Wasatch Front and in Cache County in a couple of years.
On April 18, 2013, four geologists from the Hazards Program of the Utah Geological Survey flew along the Wasatch Front in a Utah Air National Guard Blackhawk helicopter. The flight was part of the Great Utah ShakeOut 2013 earthquake drill, as well as an opportunity to take high-resolution photos of the fault scarps along the Front from the air. The four geologists were Adam Hiscock, Gregg Buekelman, Mike Hylland, and Adam McKean. It was a freezing cold day in April! Over 1200 photos were taken from the air.
Adam McKean, Mike Hylland, Gregg Buekelman, and Adam Hiscock
Heads up, map geeks! (We know you’re out there.)
The Utah Geological Survey has released a full-color geological map of unprecedented detail of 1,800 square miles of the central Wasatch, which includes wilderness areas and public lands along with human-infested areas, including Heber and Payson.
The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) has made its ground-water monitoring data available to the public through its new Ground-Water Monitoring Data Portal; with just a few simple clicks you can track water level trends in wells, and flow rates from springs in Snake Valley and adjacent areas.
Or, if your interest is in landslide potential this spring, you can find out what the water levels are in wells in and near landslides along the Wasatch Front. Users can easily find wells and springs using a map interface, view graphs of the data, and download graphic or tabular data in several formats.
The UGS has made the information available, in part due to the large amount of interest in proposed water-development projects in Snake Valley in west-central Utah and east-central Nevada. The ground-water levels, which have been continuously monitored by the UGS since 2007, have declined in areas of current pumping, suggesting that use is presently at or near the maximum sustainable rate for the region and that if pumping rates increase in the future, the rate of water-level decline would likely increase.