New Geologic Map of the Provo Area, Utah Valley, and central Wasatch Range
The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) has released a new full-color preliminary geologic map covering about 1800 square miles of diverse geology and landscape in parts of Utah, Wasatch, and Salt Lake Counties. The map encompasses large tracts of Forest Service, BLM, and state public lands, important watersheds and wilderness areas, and densely populated cities and towns.
Within the map area are Deer Creek Reservoir, Wasatch Mountain State Park, Utah Lake, American Fork Canyon and Timpanogos Cave National Monument, and Provo Canyon and Sundance Resort. The Traverse Mountains and Heber City lie on the map’s northern border, Payson City and Spanish Fork Canyon mark the southern border, the Lake Mountains and Utah Lake are to the west, and Strawberry and Currant Creek Reservoirs are on the eastern border.
The map with accompanying information depicts the geology in unprecedented detail and is available as a GIS database or color plot. It will be useful to consultants and land-use managers to address geologic hazard and resource issues, as well as to educators and others interested in learning about the varied geology of the area.