Groundwater & Wetlands
The Groundwater and Wetlands Program evaluates the quantity and quality of Utah’s groundwater resources, and performs wetland mapping and field assessments. The program coordinates with local, county, State, and Federal agencies to perform a wide variety of groundwater and wetland studies and makes the data publicly available through our web applications, publications, and external websites. Our results help our partners make scientifically sound decisions on important growth, natural resource, and environmental issues.
Groundwater Projects
The Groundwater section conducts multidisciplinary hydrogeologic studies to assess and quantify geologic controls on groundwater conditions, groundwater levels, water-quality issues, recharge-to-discharge flow paths, surface water–groundwater interactions, and geothermal resources. Our studies combine aspects of geology, physical hydrology, water chemistry, geophysics and, in some cases, wetland and wildlife ecology. Typical project types include:
Hydrogeologic and Hydrologic Studies
We conduct comprehensive studies of the hydrogeology, groundwater levels and trends, groundwater flow paths, and quantity of recharge, discharge, and surface flow in hydrologic basins. These projects typically occur in areas of rapid population growth facing complex water supply, water quality, and water rights issues.
Nitrate Source Mapping
Our nitrate source mapping projects characterize the concentration, distribution, and sources of nitrate in groundwater. We also provide septic tank density analyses to evaluate the effect on drinking water quality of increasing population growth that does not utilize sewer systems. This work helps local and state water managers mitigate potential health-related water quality problems.
Water-Quality Aquifer Classification
We map the distribution of dissolved solids and the occurrence and concentration of elements or compounds of concern in groundwater, based on the EPA’s drinking water standards. Aquifer classification projects are conducted in coordination with local water managers to help them petition the Utah Water Quality Board for aquifer classification, which allows long-term protection of drinking-water quality.
Groundwater Monitoring Systems
We have established groundwater monitoring systems that quantify changes in spring flow and groundwater quantity and quality at select locations and statewide. The projects focus on specific areas of concern such as Snake Valley in west-central Utah, which has potential interstate water-use and species of conservation concern issues, or are collected statewide to evaluate the overall status of Utah’s groundwater resources as in our participation in the National Groundwater Monitoring Network.
Geothermal Hydrogeology
We characterize the hydrogeologic setting, water chemistry, and flow paths of geothermal waters used to generate electricity.
Effects of Environmental Restoration Projects
We partner with the Utah’s Watershed Restoration Initiative, the Utah State University Extension’s Community-Based Conservation Program, and Federal and State land and water managers to evaluate changes in groundwater, surface water, wet meadows, and upland vegetation that result from large-scale pinyon-juniper treatment and beaver dam analog projects.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery
We coordinate with local water managers and water conservancy districts to implement and evaluate aquifer storage and recovery pilot projects aimed at long-term groundwater conservation. Our primary roles are to evaluate the geologic setting of proposed project areas and track the fate of groundwater recharged by these projects.
Water-Well Analysis
We conduct petrographic analysis of cuttings collected during drilling of new water wells, in coordination with the Utah Division of Water Rights. Results help evaluate the aquifers tapped by water supply wells and are available on the Division of Water Rights web page.
Ecosystem Mapping
In coordination with the Wetlands section, we conduct field surveys and inventories of springs and their associated ecosystems to provide baseline data for water rights quantification and resource assessment on public lands.
Wetlands Projects
The Wetlands section conducts studies to map, inventory, and assess wetlands to determine the location, type, condition, and potential functions of wetlands in the state and develop a baseline of information to evaluate future change. The Wetlands section developed Utah’s wetland program plan with the Utah Division of Water Quality in 2017, a strategic plan to direct the State’s efforts in wetland research, protection, and regulation, and many of the actions that the UGS takes follow from the plan. Typical project types include:
Wetland Mapping
We are updating outdated National Wetlands Inventory mapping in several areas of the state to provide more accurate spatial data for land owners, planners, wildlife specialists, and others who need to know the location, type, and potential function of wetlands in the state.
Field Assessments
We developed and continue to refine the Utah Rapid Assessment Protocol, a field method to evaluate the condition and potential function of Utah’s wetlands. We have conducted probabilistic basin-wide wetland assessments in part or all of the Jordan, Weber, and Bear River watersheds and are now focused on conducting assessments in major ecoregions in the state.
Hydrologic Monitoring
We install and maintain shallow piezometers in important wetland systems to monitor water levels over time. This work is primarily being conducted in Snake Valley and focused on habitat for sensitive species.
Wetland Botany
We have expertise in wetland plant identification and contribute specimens to herbaria to make them available for further study.
Landscape Analysis
We developed geospatial models to quantify aquatic stress at local and watershed scales and continue to collaborate on other projects to create spatial data for landscape planning efforts.
Resource Inventory
We conduct field inventories of springs, seeps, and other aquatic features.
We lead an informal working group of wetland specialists that meet periodically to discuss new projects and exchange ideas. If you would like to join the group, please email