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Hollie Brown
PIO, Utah Geological Survey  801-243-9466

Tracy Rees
PIO, Utah Office of Energy Development 385-775-9253

PRESS RELEASE: Utah’s Energy Resources Virtual Web Experience Unveiled: A Digital Journey into Utah’s Energy Portfolio

Salt Lake City (Nov. 13, 2023) – The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) and the Utah Office of Energy Development (OED) have partnered to create Utah’s Energy Resources web experience. This online resource provides an in-depth exploration of Utah’s diverse and abundant energy portfolio, offering detailed descriptions, maps, statistics, photographs and more for each unique energy resource within the state.

This new web experience, completed in two phases, is an indispensable resource for residents and industry professionals, offering comprehensive insights into the energy landscape that fuels the state’s progress. The platform is designed for continuous updates, ensuring access to the latest data and trends, with links to additional information.

Phase one includes information on more traditional energy resources, including coal, petroleum, natural gas and renewables. Phase two will include several additional topics, including uranium/nuclear, hydrogen, oil shale/oil sands and carbon capture storage and utilization (CCUS).

“Utah is fortunate to have abundant and diverse energy resources, including large reserves of conventional fossil fuels as well as several areas suitable for renewable resource development,” said UGS Energy and Minerals Program Manager Michael Vanden Berg. “Utah’s diverse energy ecosystem will assure reliable, affordable energy for all Utahns, while the state’s investment in new technology will keep Utah on the cutting edge of energy resilience for generations to come.”

This collaborative initiative between OED and UGS will serve as a comprehensive platform showcasing the wealth of Utah’s energy resources. It educates and deepens Utahns’ understanding of energy, energy resources and the critical role energy plays in our local economies.

“Energy is complex. This new web experience will offer a virtual experience that demystifies energy and underscores our commitment to increasing public awareness about where energy comes from, how it’s generated and consumed and how truly unique our state is in the world of energy,” said Greg Todd, energy advisor to the Governor and director of OED. “Our goal is to generate curiosity and meaningful conversations through an immersive online experience, and I look forward to seeing the site grow.”

The new Utah Energy Resources web experience is a testament to the state’s commitment to energy diversity, sustainability and innovation. This platform offers valuable insights into Utah’s energy landscape for students, researchers, energy professionals or interested residents. Explore the site at