Northern Utah is due for a major earthquake. Seismologists can’t predict exactly when the Big One might happen, but they have been looking at the hazards Utah is likely to face.
Northern Utah is due for a major earthquake. Seismologists can’t predict exactly when the Big One might happen, but they have been looking at the hazards Utah is likely to face.
Drop, cover and hold on. More than 700,000 Utahns will be participating in a statewide earthquake drill Thursday for the annual Great Utah ShakeOut, an initiative to help people and organizations practice how to protect themselves in the event of a major earthquake.
It’s 2 a.m. on an April Thursday. Along the Wasatch Front, most of the more than 2 million Utahns who live here are sleeping, at home in suburban homes or aging apartments, even as thousands of others are working graveyard shifts in hospitals or other businesses.