Tag Archive for: Wasatch Range


Northern Utah is due for a major earthquake. Seismologists can’t predict exactly when the Big One might happen, but they have been looking at the hazards Utah is likely to face.



Much of what we understand about earthquakes is based on plate tectonics. But for residents of Utah’s seismically restless Wasatch Front, a 120-mile-long metropolitan region anchored by Salt Lake City and bounded by the steep Wasatch Mountains and Great Salt Lake, such theory has fundamental limitations.



Drop, cover and hold on. More than 700,000 Utahns will be participating in a statewide earthquake drill Thursday for the annual Great Utah ShakeOut, an initiative to help people and organizations practice how to protect themselves in the event of a major earthquake.



It’s 2 a.m. on an April Thursday. Along the Wasatch Front, most of the more than 2 million Utahns who live here are sleeping, at home in suburban homes or aging apartments, even as thousands of others are working graveyard shifts in hospitals or other businesses.


Mount Nebo and the southern Wasatch Range, Juab County, Utah
Photographer: Adam McKean; © 2013

Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Stevie Emerson; © 2013

Glacially carved Timpanogos Basin in the Wasatch Range, Utah County.

Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Stevie Emerson, © 2013

The Wasatch Range was once home to more than 60 glaciers. On the east slope of Mount Timpanogos, Emerald Lake occupies a glacially carved cirque in the Pennsylvanian-age Bear Canyon Member of the Oquirrh Formation.

Wasatch Range, Weber County, Utah
Photographer: Ken Krahulec; © 2012

Snow Basin on the east side of the Wasatch Range, Weber County.

Little Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Range, Salt Lake County, Utah
Photographer: Mike Hylland; ©2011

A sawtoothed ridge (arête) of glacially carved granitic rock separates the Maybird and Red Pine drainages. South side of Little Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Range, Salt Lake County.

Wasatch Range, Salt Lake County, Utah
Photographer: Mike Hylland; ©2011

Many streams in Utah’s high mountain ranges, like this one in Bells Canyon, flow down canyons where “streams” of glacial ice once flowed. Wasatch Range, Salt Lake County.