Tag Archive for: StR

Spot the Rock


Hats off to a new year! Let’s celebrate with a new round of “Spot the Rock.” Anyone have an inkling where these rocks are mingling? Post your guesses below, and we’ll reveal the answer next week!

Photo by: Jeremy Harwood

UPDATE: Location Revealed!

Our friends were “spot” on guessing last week’s “Spot the Rock”! This photo shows Mexican Hat, the famous sombrero-shaped rock perched in the Halgaito Formation. The Halgaito and Honaker Trail Formations appear as red and greenish-gray ribbons on the western flank of the Raplee anticline. Farther south on this route, the rock ribbons take on a scalloped appearance that is due to differential erosion of the soft and hard rocks; the softer Halgaito is wearing away from the crest of the anticline.


We’ve got another Google Maps edition of “Spot the Rock” for you geo friends this week. Each of these photos are from the same location, but at different zoom levels. Can you guess where this is??

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