Experts are trying to make sense of an unusual earthquake that shook Northeastern Utah, Wednesday morning.
Experts are trying to make sense of an unusual earthquake that shook Northeastern Utah, Wednesday morning.
Salt Lake City — (KUTV) Utah has been preparing for a major earthquake for years, with several buildings and bridges retrofitted to withstand a 6.0 quake.
Signs of earthquakes are everywhere in the chaotically beautiful geology of southwest Utah and the region where the mile-high Colorado Plateau falls off into the corrugated Basin-and-Range landscape that dominates neighboring Nevada.
A swarm of dozens of small earthquakes shaking a sparsely populated part of northwestern Arizona is entering its fourth week.
Minor earthquakes in Southern Utah a reminder that it’s earthquake country capable of larger quakes. Have you prepared an emergency kit and plan in case of a large earthquake, or other natural disaster? Make a plan with your friends and family. The best plan is a prepared one!
A magnitude 3.4 earthquake registered south of Littlefield, Arizona, in the early morning hours Friday, large enough to glance at but not particularly extraordinary, while an even smaller quake registered north of Hildale. Though these are lesser, Southern Utah and its surrounding areas have experienced greater quakes – four that may be considered major in Southern Utah over the past century or so.
While geologists warn that human-caused earthquakes have become a real problem in some places, the greatest risk in Utah is still a natural quake along the Wasatch Front.
Edited By: William R. Lund
This publication presents four investigations that provide new geologic and paleoseismic data on the Washington fault zone in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona. (1) New 1:24,000-scale geologic mapping shows the location and length of young surface ruptures and the relative ages of displaced surficial deposits along the fault zone. Based on the mapping, the former Northern section of the fault zone has been subdivided into the Fort Pearce and Washington Hollow sections. (2) A paleoseismic trenching investigation of a scarp on a latest Quaternary alluvial fan in Arizona that provides information on paleoearthquake timing, displacement, and recurrence for the Fort Pearce section, which traverses the St. George metropolitan area. (3) Trace element and major oxide geochemical correlation and radiometric dating of volcanic flows displaced across the fault that provide early to middle Quaternary vertical slip-rates for the Fort Pearce and Sullivan Draw sections of the fault.. (4) A geotechnical investigation that provides information on fault locations, paleoearthquakes, and displacement no the Fort Pearce section. These investigations show the Fort Pearce section of the Washington fault zone has experienced at least two surface-faulting earthquakes in the Holocene and a minimum of five earthquakes in the past ~68 ka.
Anyone feel the small earthquake last night? The micro event occurred about 3 miles outside of Mapleton, Utah.
The United States Geological Surveys (USGS) reported that a 2.9 magnitude earthquake hit Utah Monday morning.
See the Univeristy of Utah Preliminary Earthquake Report HERE.
An earthquake felt round the world. Research shows that large earthquakes may trigger smaller earthquakes thousands of miles away.
When we hear that a magnitude 8 earthquake has struck, we know that’s worse than a magnitude 4 earthquake. But how much worse?