Tag Archive for: box elder county


If you ever take the long journey to visit what is arguably Utah’s most famous artwork, there are a few things it might be useful to take along for the ride:

An art historian to explain it.

A couple of city dwellers who have never seen it before.

A college student who heard about it in his humanities class.

And a camera-equipped drone to fly overhead.





SALT LAKE CITY — Nestled amid the rocky shores of the Great Salt Lake’s Rozel Point, the Spiral Jetty is more than simply artwork; it’s a testament to the seemingly infinite wonders of nature.



A new report illustrates how groundwater pumping can affect the amount of water available in streams within the Malad-Lower Bear River Area in Utah. The product was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights.



SALT LAKE CITY — Lawmakers took note of the desolate beauty that surrounds the Spiral Jetty as they considered designating the artificial formation to be the official state work of art.


Eroded granitic rock of the Tertiary-age Emigrant Pass pluton at Devils Playground, Box Elder County.
Photographer: Adam McKean © 2016


Newfoundland Mountains, Utah

Newfoundland Mountains, Box Elder County, Utah
Photographer: Adam Hiscock

Ordovician-age Eureka Quartzite at the top of Desert Peak contrasting with dark colored shale and carbonate rocks of the southern Newfoundland Mountains.


Researchers sifting through deposits of owl pellets in Utah’s Homestead Cave have discovered that small-mammal communities scurrying around the West Desert remained stable through millennia of climate change.


Folded pegmatite vein in Farmington Canyon Complex gneiss, Pearsons Canyon, Box Elder County. Pearsons Canyon, Box Elder County, Utah Photographer: Adam McKean; © 2014

What’s the best kind of pet rock? —a “gneiss” one!

POTD 6-30-15 Farmington Canyon Gneiss Rock Mineral

Pearsons Canyon, Box Elder County, Utah
Photographer: Adam McKean; © 2014

Folded pegmatite vein in Farmington Canyon Complex gneiss, Pearsons Canyon, Box Elder County.

MP 15-2DM, Hogup Bar Quadrangle, Box Elder

By: Daren T. Nelson and Paul W. Jewell

The Hogup Bar quadrangle is located southeast of Park Valley, Utah, and west of the northwest arm of Great Salt Lake. Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville sediments and related shorelines dominate the landscape, and record the transgression and regression of Lake Bonneville. Surficial deposits overlie Tertiary basalt and Permian-Pennsylvanian sedimentary bedrock.


Silver Island Mountains, Box Elder County, Utah
Photographer: Gregg Beukelman; © 2013

Chemical weathering produces pits and holes in the surface of Jurassic-age quartz monzonite at Crater Island, in the northeast part of the Basin and Range Province. The “island” of rock rises from the barren, salt-covered plains of the Great Salt Lake Desert east of the distant Pilot Range.