Stop 12: Social Hall
39 South State Street
This glass-enclosed area contains all that is left of the original Social Hall building, a partial foundation of Nugget Sandstone and two stone ovens.
Built in 1852 as an entertainment and cultural center, Social Hall was the first theater west of the Missouri River. Local drama associations and visiting performers took to the Social Hall stage. Mark Twain entertained here many times. Dances and banquets were also held here for the enjoyment of the early pioneers.
Later, the building housed the Latter-day Saint College, now the LDS Business College located on South Temple. After 70 years of use the building was torn down in 1922.
After viewing the exhibits, continue to the corner of 100 South and State Street. Cross both streets and continue to 22 East 100 South.
PI-60 Building Stones of Downtown Salt Lake City, A Walking Tour