Learn more about the Utah Core Research Center Interactive Utah Core Research Center Inventory

Interactive Utah Core Research Center Inventory

Get a deeper look at Utah’s geologic timeline through core samples of rock and sediment. The Utah Core Research Center (UCRC) curates the region’s only publicly available and most complete collection of geologic core and cuttings. Now available as an interactive web app, explore the UCRC inventory using the searchable map. The entire database can also be downloaded as a spreadsheet.

The facility presently holds core from over 1500 drill holes, totaling about 400,000 feet of material, and cuttings from nearly 5000 drill holes, representing over 57,000,000 feet of subsurface data. This collection represents about $5 billion worth of investment in Utah’s natural resources. The UCRC’s collection also includes cataloged outcrop samples (mostly from graduate student projects and state geologic mapping efforts), cuttings from water and geothermal wells, sidewall plugs, and numerous other hand samples. If you have any questions regarding the UCRC’s collection or would like to look at any of the samples, please contact Peter Nielsen, UCRC Curator, 801.537.3359, peternielsen@utah.gov