How Common Are Landslides? As Washington Mudslide Death Toll Rises, 3 Things You Should Know
Good information to know, as Utah is also prone to landslides.
The death toll from last weekend’s mudslide in Washington state rose to 16 Wednesday, with at least 176 others still unaccounted for. The rescue operation is ongoing, but prospects appear grim: No survivors have been found since Saturday, when the landslide occurred, and rain is expected to further inhibit the search. But how common are landslides like this one? Where and when do they occur? And how can you possibly avoid them?
Can mudslides be predicted? Washington site’s history highlights challenge. (+video)
The mile-long mudslide that buried homes along a bend in the Stillaguamish River near Oso, Wash., some 55 miles north of Seattle, leaving at least 14 dead and more than 100 missing, occurred at a site that was known to be landslide-prone.