This year’s Earth Science Week at the Utah Geological Survey welcomed 669 students for hands-on, educational fun! We learned about rocks and minerals, fossils, dinosaurs, geologic processes, and more. Thank you for another fabulous Earth Science Week – see you next year!

Special thanks to the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and Rockhounders Outreach for Community Knowledge (ROCK) for providing educational materials for students and teachers, as well as the experts and volunteers that helped make UGS Earth Science Week a great success:

Ben Sears
Wendy Sears
Sue Dickey
Joe Dabelko
Alice Sikorski (ROCK)
Danielle Montague-Judd
Ethan Cowgill
Dave Simon (Simon Bymaster, Inc.)
Lisa Miller
Jack Bloom (Rio Tinto, ret.)
Rachel Adams (CH2M Jacobs)
Robyn Keeling
Dave Garbrecht
Alari Emory (Office of Energy Development)
Leslie Heppler (Division of Oil, Gas, & Mining)
Jan Morse (Division of Oil, Gas, & Mining)
Mark Gwynn (Division of Oil, Gas, & Mining)
Buck Ehler (Division of Forestry, Fire, & State Lands)

VERNAL, Utah — One of the world’s most impressive collections of ancient petroglyphs is found on private property in Eastern Utah, just north of Vernal.


Good 4 Utah’s Adam Carroll visited Red Fleet State Park, just seven miles north of Vernal in Uintah County.
Called a “mini Lake Powell” by locals, the park’s lake winds through red cliffs, similar to those found at Lake Powell.
Many people don’t go for just the lake. People can hike, swim or canoe over to 200 million year old dinosaur tracks.
Check out the report above to learn more about the dino tracks at the park.


With the summer blockbuster “Jurassic World” opening in theaters, there’s plenty of opportunity to be entertained — or frightened — by dinosaurs.