A minor earthquake shook the ground 17 miles west of Ivins near the Nevada border early Monday morning. The local magnitude 3.0 earthquake happened at 7:47 a.m., and there are no reports of any damage or injuries.
A minor earthquake shook the ground 17 miles west of Ivins near the Nevada border early Monday morning. The local magnitude 3.0 earthquake happened at 7:47 a.m., and there are no reports of any damage or injuries.
Utah’s Great Salt Lake has been protecting the Wasatch Front from a potential health hazard for 150 years, but that protection is threatened, say some scientists, by a growing, thirsty population and a drying climate.
The U will hold an earthquake drill on Wednesday to test the campus alert system.
Emergency preparedness is ingrained in the Utah culture. A recent study found that 78-percent of families have a 72 hour emergency kit. While we may be more prepared than other places…our population is expected to grow by 2.5 million in the next 35 years.
Consider the hypothetical looming disaster everyone’s been afraid of for years: Utah County is hit with an earthquake.
November is here! We hope you all had a great and safe Halloween. It won’t be long before Christmas is on the horizon; treat family, friends, or even yourself to a whole year gorgeous Utah geology. It features photos of Utah’s stunning geology taken by UGS employees. Be sure to stop by the Utah Natural Resources Map & Bookstore or ONLINE HERE to buy yours today!
Each year, a fierce but friendly competition delivers some of the most stunning photographs of Utah scenery — and the best examples are compiled in a calendar available for purchase.