With recent geologic hazards like the North Salt Lake landslide, and Napa, California’s large earthquake, perhaps this “Glad You Asked” article can come in handy. Are you thinking of buying a home, and are wondering what geologic hazards are present at some of your prospects? Read for more information!
Named for its thousands of bizarre, goblin-like rock formations, Utah’s Goblin Valley State Park is a hidden gem in the San Rafael Desert. The goblins, known scientifically as “hoodoos,” were formed through the gradual erosion of Entrada sandstone, which was deposited about 170 millions years ago when the area was situated next to an ancient sea.
“Researchers with the Utah Geological Survey have correlated, or matched up, the unit to another outcrop to the east, and were able to obtain a zircon date of about 112 million years in age.”
— Rebecca Hunt-Foster
Paleontologists from the University of Colorado and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have been excavating a location north of Moab for the past year. The site contains over 200 tracks left by dinosaurs over a 125 million years ago.
Looking to see some dinosaurs yourself? Check out this dino-read for you from deseretnews.com!
Where to see dinosaurs in Utah
Although dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago, they remain alive in people’s imaginations — particularly children’s.
Another article about earthquake preparedness that refers to a helpful publication, Putting Down Roots. Check it out!
California’s Napa Valley was fortunate that the 6.0 earthquake that struck over the weekend came at 3 a.m., when people generally were asleep and not out in public in large numbers. Property damage was widespread, perhaps topping $1 billion, and slightly less than 200 people were treated for injuries that ranged from minor to serious. It was hardly a minor seismic event.
Sometimes a desk is just “The Great Outdoors.”
Like a lot of little kids, Tanner Frank went through a “dinosaur phase.” Unlike most, however, he says, “I never grew out of it.”
A quick read on UDOT’s rockfall prevention efforts. Check it out!
On average, the Utah Department of Transportation spends $200,000 each year cleaning up after rock falls. Crews also make weekly trips looking for potential hazards and how to prevent them.
Although a 2003 geotechnical report warned of the potential for landslides at Eaglepointe Estates in North Salt Lake, a 2013 supplemental study made no mention of the clay bedrock flagged for attention in the first and that one geologist called “a notorious bad boy” for instability.
The recent 6 M earthquake in Napa, California, can serve as a large-earthquake preparedness reminder for us Utahans. Utah is earthquake country, and the Wasatch Front is capable of producing large earthquakes. We can’t predict when or where an earthquake will happen, but we can prepare to the best of our abilities. This article has a great video about what you can do to prepare, and supplies you should have on hand.
The destruction witnessed in Northern California following a 6.0 magnitude earthquake should be a wake up call to citizens here in Utah. Our state could be next.
Check out this GREAT ONLINE PUBLICATION that offers information and preparedness tips for you and your family (even the furry 4-legged ones!).
You can also find other Utah earthquake and geologic hazards information on our WEBSITE.