Tag Archive for: USEP

There is still time to reserve a renewable energy rebate for residential or commercial solar thermal, residential photovoltaic or small commercial wind energy system.

The Utah Renewable Energy Rebate Program, managed by the Utah State Energy Program (USEP), can cover up to 25 percent of the cost of a professionally installed system, and may be used with other state, federal and utility incentives. “This incentive is an excellent opportunity for consumers interested in investing in renewable energy. Prices for installed systems are very reasonable by historic standards, further benefiting consumers,” said Chris Tallackson, USEP Incentives Coordinator.

Rebate reservations are processed on a first come, first served basis until funds are exhausted, so consumers should contact a Utah licensed professional installation contractor to begin the rebate reservation process.

Since launching on April 19, more than 275 applications have been approved for projects that will stimulate investment of $11 million within Utah. The projects will generate more than 1.8 million kilowatt hours of electricity. A typical household consumes 850 kilowatt hours per month.

For additional information and a rebate reservation form, visit the Renewable Energy Rebate Program or email renewablerebate@utah.gov.



Renewable Energy Rebate Program
Utah State Energy Program




Interest in the program has been growing since it was announced.

Best Buy sales supervisor Thomas Guzman says, “Customers are coming in wanting to know what qualifies, what does not qualify and what the dollar amount is on the actual rebate itself.”

Guzman says Best Buy has an idea of which products will qualify for the state rebate, but it’s waiting on an official list from the state.


Utah Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program
Rebates for ENERGY STAR appliances
Energy Savers website

Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. (Synapse) was contracted by several Utah State agencies, including the Utah State Energy Program, the Division of Public Utilities, the Division of Air Quality, the Committee of Consumer Services, and the Governor’s Energy Advisor, to develop and apply methods of calculating water and health co-benefits of displacing electricity generation technologies in Utah with new energy efficiency or renewable energy.


View entire report

Senate Joint Resolution 1 of the 2009 Utah Legislative Session tasked the Utah State Energy Program with developing a model wind ordinance. This was accomplished by way of the Utah Wind Working Group and input from stakeholders. The Model Wind Ordinance document incorporates comments from:

private citizens,
City of Monticello,
Utah Clean Energy,
Iron County,
Utah League of Cities and Towns,
the Utah Wind Working Group
Salt Lake City Corporation, and
the Utah Division of Wildlife.



Model Wind Ordinance

Utah is making a multi-million dollar investment in residential energy efficiency. The Utah State Energy Program (USEP) has issued a Request for Grant Applications (RGA) for a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program. Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers a comprehensive approach to improving energy efficiency in existing homes.

USEP will award up to $4.5 Million for this program. The Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program will include activities such as:

  • establishing market baselines and performance indicators,
  • contractor training opportunities,
  • homeowner outreach,
  • home performance assessments and a utility bill analysis,
  • projected cost-effectiveness of energy retrofits,
  • installation of energy efficiency measures, and
  • incentives for participation.



The Utah State Energy Program (USEP) has issued a Request for Grant Applications for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Outreach, Education, and Marketing Campaigns. A total of $500,000 is available for this grant.

It is anticipated that the funds will be issued through two-to-six separate grants. Applicants are encouraged to seek partnerships with utilities, local governments or other resources to help leverage marketing and education.

The purpose of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Outreach, Education, and Marketing Campaigns is to increase the adoption of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies, and to increase participation in USEP programs.


The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was signed into law as of February 17, 2009. Portions of the ARRA energy funds will be directly administered by the Utah State Energy Program (USEP).