Tag Archive for: Western States Seismic Policy Council

San Marin Hotel following the 2008 M 6.0 Wells, Nevada earthquake.

For those interested in seismic hazards, the Utah Geological Survey and Western States Seismic Policy Council will convene the Basin and Range Province Seismic Hazard Summit III on January 12 – 17, 2015, at the Utah Department of Natural Resources.  The purpose of this conference is to bring together geologists, seismologists, geodesists, engineers, emergency managers, and policy makers to present and discuss the latest earthquake-hazards research, and to evaluate research implications for hazard reduction and public policy in the Basin and Range Province.

The conference will also include a short course on how to conduct a successful paleoseismic investigation, a field trip along the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault, a poster session, and a digital proceedings volume. The proceedings volume will contain abstracts and PowerPoint presentations from conference speakers and contributed papers and posters on Basin and Range seismic-hazard research or public policy.

It is our intent with this meeting to get as many consultants, other practitioners, and students involved.  The conference can be used for continuing education credits for professional licensing.

More information is available on the UGS website http://geology.utah.gov/ghp/workgroups/brpshs.htm, with online registration at http://brpshs.eventbrite.com.