Tag Archive for: USGS

For this #tbt we’re looking at Mount St. Helens and the beginning of its 2004 eruption. While it wasn’t to the magnitude of its notable 1980 eruption, the 2004-08 eruption resulted in a remarkably rapid, though nearly steady, rate of dome growth. Check out the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)‘s youtube video for a time lapse of the dome on Mount St. Helens! #throwbackthursday

Check out the video HERE


Celebrate the third annual Geologic Map Day! On October 17, as a part of the Earth Science Week 2014 activities, join leading geoscience organizations in promoting awareness of the importance of geologic mapping to society.



The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) intends to sponsor and conduct a new comprehensive groundwater study of the Moab area, officials said this week.


Good morning geo friends! The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has recently updated their U.S. National Seismic Hazard Maps, which reflect the best and most current understanding of where future earthquakes will occur, how often they will occur, and how hard the ground will likely shake. While earthquakes remain hard to predict, the USGS hopes to understand how earthquakes might affect areas specifically to better plan for the event.


To help make the best decisions to protect communities from earthquakes, new USGS maps display how intense ground shaking could be across the nation.


Lecture from the U.S. Geological Survey
by Jake Lowenstern, Scientist-in-Charge, Yellowstone Volcano Observatory

  • What’s all the buzz about — is the Yellowstone area really dangerous?
  • Learn about Yellowstone’s amazing geological history
  • What’s happening now with earthquakes, hot springs, and steam explosions?
  • Hear how scientists monitor Yellowstone and other volcanoes to forecast future eruptions

The presentation starts at about 5:30, so jump ahead if you please!

The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have a cooperative agreement to study earthquake-hazards in Utah with an ultimate goal of producing detailed earthquake-hazards maps, including large-scale ground-shaking maps along the densely populated Wasatch Front urban corridor.

An important component of the ground-shaking maps is developing a three-dimensional model of the subsurface, a Wasatch Front Community Velocity Model (CVM), that incorporates shallow shear-wave velocity (Vs), deep-basin structure, and other effects. To aid in producing these maps, the UGS has compiled databases of Vs and deep-basin geophysical and well logs.



Community Velocity Model (CVM)
Shallow Shear-Wave-Velocity Data
Deep-Basin-Structure Data