Tag Archive for: Uinta Mountains

Who’s ready to get back out into that beautiful Utah Spring scenery?

Scudder Lake, Uinta Mountains, Duchesne County, Utah
Photographer: Ken Krahulec; © 2012

Scudder Lake in the glaciated Uinta Mountains, Duchesne County.

Cliff Lake, western Uinta Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Photographer: Don Clark

Cliff Lake, seen above in midday light, is located adjacent to the larger Wall Lake and near the base of Mount Watson.

Mirror, mirror…on the Wall Lake! Happy Friday, geo friends!

Mount Watson, western Uinta Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Photographer: Mike Hylland

Wall Lake, a glacial tarn, reflects the morning sun on the Precambrian-age sandstone of Mount Watson (11,521 feet), western Uinta Mountains, Summit County.

Northern Uinta Mountains, Summit County
Photographer: Greg McDonald

The Uinta Mountains, widely glaciated thousands of years ago, now contain many glacial features, including this kettle pond formed within a moraine depression. Permian-Pennsylvanian-age Weber Sandstone is at the head of West Fork Blacks Fork drainage.

White River, southeastern Uintah County, Utah
Photographer: Robert Ressetar

The White River carved this amphitheater in the flat-lying and remarkably parallel rock layers that were deposited in a Tertiary-age lake on the south flank of the Uinta Mountains.

High Uintas Wilderness, Summit County, Utah
Photographer: Stefan Kirby

Sedimentary strata of the Precambrianage Uinta Mountain Group reflected in the waters of Dead Horse Lake in the upper part of the West Fork of the Blacks Fork drainage in the Uinta Mountains.

Dead Horse Lake, Uinta Mountains, Summit County, Utah
Photographer: Corey Unger

Dead Horse Lake and West Fork of the Blacks Fork drainage, Uinta Mountains, Summit County, Utah

Two new geologic maps near Vernal, Utah have been released. The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) recently published two 1:24,000-scale geologic maps covering a part of the south flank of the Uinta Mountains near Vernal. These maps provide data useful to consultants/land-use managers to address geologic hazard and resource issues; they will also be of interest to educators and others simply interested in learning about the fascinating geology of the Vernal area.

“The Dry Fork and Steinaker quadrangles contain some of the most scenic and geologically diverse landscapes in the southern Uintas,” said Doug Sprinkel, UGS geologist. “These quadrangles reflect that diversity and provide basic geologic information for the popular Steinaker Reservoir, the Red Cloud Loop Drive, and the spectacular Flaming Gorge-Uintas National Scenic Byway.”


MP 10-3
MP 10-4

Jeffrey S. Munroe and Benjamin J.C. Laabs

This dataset represents the first complete inventory of the glacial deposits in the Uinta Mountains since Atwood (1909) described the glacial geology of this area. It is the result of previous and continuing work by the authors and others to better understand the glacial and climatic history of this fascinating area. It depicts the distribution of glacial deposits and post-glacial sediments including mass wasting, lacustrine, and rock glacier deposits. A discussion of the glacial history and a figure showing a reconstruction of the ice extent during the local Last Glacial Maximum are also included.

This DVD contains the geologic map at 1:100,000 scale in PDF format and an ArcMap 9.3 map document. Geographic Information System (GIS) files are provided in an ESRI file geodatabase and as ESRI shapefiles. Metadata, PDF, HTML, text, and image files are included to help the user view, evaluate, and use the spatial data.

DVD (1 pl., scale 1:100,000 [contains GIS data])

MP-09-4DM (DVD)……….$24.95
MP-09-4DM (plot)……….$19.95



slickensidesWhat are those groovy rocks and how did they get that way?
Carole McCalla

On a hike around Lake Blanche below Sundial Peak in Big Cottonwood Canyon, a group of hikers came across long, straight, parallel grooves on a smooth, polished rock surface. Recalling another location where they had seen similar features at the foot of the mountains north of downtown Salt Lake City, they wondered if these markings were formed in the same way. Indeed, what exactly are they and how were they formed?

Although the smooth, grooved surfaces at these two locations are similar, they were actually formed in very different ways.