Geologic Map of the Tooele 30′ x 60′ Quadrangle,
Tooele, Salt Lake, Davis Counties, Utah
led by Donald L. Clark (UGS Geologist) and Charles G. Oviatt (Emeritus, Kansas State Univ.; Lake Bonneville specialist)
May 9-10, 2017
Day 1 (May 9), meet at Department of Natural Resources building (1594 W. North Temple, SLC, south side of building); gather at 7:00 am, depart at 7:30 am sharp. Review of the eastern part of map area, and return to SLC.
Day 2 (May 10), meet at DNR at 7:00 am, depart at 7:30 am sharp. Review of the western part of map area, and return to SLC.
You are invited to attend a field review highlighting updated geologic mapping of the area west of Salt Lake City. The purpose of the mapping is to accurately describe the stratigraphy, geologic structure, geologic resources, and geologic hazards of the area. These maps are used for land management planning, geologic hazard evaluation, resource assessment and development, and education, as well as by the weekend hobbyist. The trip will be geared to cover a broad audience including geologists, government officials, and the general public.
- Quaternary geology, Lake Bonneville levels and chronology
- Quaternary fault zones/Basin and Range structure
- Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks
- Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Proterozoic stratigraphy
- Tooele arch, Stansbury uplift, Uinta-Cottonwood arch (western extension)
- Sevier fold-thrust belt architecture
- Subsurface and geophysical data
- Geologic hazards
- Geologic resources
- There is no charge; please circulate this notice among your colleagues.
- For planning purposes, we ask that you RSVP to the UGS ( or 801-537-3300); trip questions to or 801-537-3344.
- Some stops will involve a few short, strenuous hikes.
- A high-clearance vehicle is preferable; roads become difficult in wet weather; full fuel tank.
- Please bring your own food, water, boots, hat, field clothes, and warm waterproof jacket.
- If severe weather threatens, please call the UGS office on day before to see if rescheduled.
- A signed liability and consent form is required for trip attendance.
This project was funded through the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program supported by the Utah Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey.
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