Tag Archive for: San Rafael Swell
San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah
Photographer: Robert Ressetar; © 2013
Window Blind Peak rises to an elevation of 7,030 feet in the interior of the San Rafael Swell. The resistant Triassic to Jurassic-age Wingate and Navajo Sandstones form, respectively, the massive lower cliffs and the upper pinnacle.
Goblin Valley State Park, Emery County, Utah
Photographer: Keith Beisner
At Goblin Valley State Park on the southeast side of the San Rafael Swell, morning sun gives Wild Horse Butte an ethereal glow. The butte exposes all four geologic units present in the park: the Entrada Sandstone and Curtis, Summerville, and Morrison Formations. These strata record profound changes in Utah’s geography during Middle and Late Jurassic time, including the existence of coastal sand dunes, inundation by a shallow inland sea, and then uplift, erosion, and sediment deposition in stream channels and flood plains.
Head of Sinbad, San Rafael Swell, Emery County
Photographer: J. Buck Ehler
Dutchman Arch guards the path to Devil’s Racetrack, a popular recreation trail in the San Rafael Swell. Named after a local Dutch cattleman, the arch is composed of the Jurassic-age Wingate Sandstone deposited in ancient sand dunes.