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OFR-643 InsertMedRGB

By: James C. Coogan, Jon K. King, and Greg N. McDonald

The Morgan 7.5′ quadrangle, named for the city of Morgan, is located southeast of Ogden, Utah, and is transected by Morgan Valley where the Weber River, U.S. Interstate Highway 84, and Union Pacific Railroad are located. In the map area, the east-dipping limb and part of the Wasatch anticlinorium are exposed on Durst Mountain, east and north of the Weber River. Interpretations of the geology on Durst Mountain begin with back-rotation of this limb of Paleozoic rocks. Younger Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the limb are exposed to the east in the Devils Slide quadrangle. At least 8000 feet (1800m) cf folded Cenozoic sedimentary rocks fill the fault-bounded Morgan Valley. Some fault scarps are Quaternary in age. The most notable fill is the Eocene and Oligeocene(?) Norwood Formation that underlies roughly the west half of the quadrangle. These altered tuffaceous rocks are prone to landsliding. This CD contains two plates-a geologic map at 1:24,000 scale and an explanation plate-and a 25-page booklet, all in PDF format.


OFR-647 insert

By: Douglas A. Sprinkel

The interim geologic map of the east part of the Duchesne 30’x60′ quadrangle (year 3) consists of eighteen 7.5 minute quadrangles and is the third year of a multi-year project to map and compile the geology of this quadrangle. The quadrangle is located mostly in the western Uinta basin, with the northwest corner located along the southwest flank of the Uinta Mountains but the area mapped is centered on Roosevelt, Utah. The map area includes a variety of surficial deposits that range from historic to lower Pleistocene piedmont alluvium, stream alluvium, and glacial deposits. Bedrock map units include members of the Duchesne River formation, the upper two members of the Uinta Formation, and upper two members of the Green River Formation. Members of the Duchesne River Formation are (in descending order) Starr Flat, Lapoint, Dry Gulch Creek, and Brennan Basin. Members of the Uinta Formation are (in descending order) member C and member B. The sandstone and limestone facies and the saline facies are of the Green River Formation are exposed south of U.S. Highway 40 and south-southwest of Duchesne, Utah. Structural features include the axis of the Uinta Basin syncline (and associated folds), the Uinta Basin-Mountain boundary fault zone located in the northern part of the map area with evidence of movement in the Quaternary, and the Duchesne fault zone located in the southern part of the map area. The Duchesne 30’x60′ quadrangle also contains an array of geologic resources including minerals, phosphate, sand and gravel, and gilsonite, but energy resources are the most significant with the giant Altamont-Bluebell and Monument Butte fields included in the quadrangle.


OFR-638 Insert, Open File Repot, Honeyville Quadrangle

By: Kimm N. Harty and Adam P. Mckean

This 1:24,000-scale surface fault rupture map of the Honeyville quadrangle shows potentially active faults and special-study areas for the Brigham City and Collinston segments of the Wasatch fault zone mapped using primarily 0.5-meter digital LiDAR data acquired in 2013 and 2014. Fault traces were also mapped using black and white stereographic and oblique aerial photographs and previous published sources for the Wasatch fault zone and parts of the West Cache fault zone contained on the Honeyville quadrangle.