Tag Archive for: Moab

For those of you following the stolen dino tracks from Moab, here is another great article related to the matter.


Paleontologists have a bone to pick with fossil aficionados who are fueling an international black market for the prehistoric specimens.


Read the previous post on the stolen tracks HERE.


A 190-million-year-old dinosaur track was reported stolen from a trail in Moab Wednesday, officials said.


What a tragedy. A contact number is included in the article for any information you may have.

Jurassic-age Navajo Sandstone, Grand County, Utah
Photographer: Kent Brown

Arches in the making (alcoves) in massive cliffs of Jurassic-age Navajo Sandstone, near Moab, Grand County.



The Bureau of Land Management Utah Moab Field Office is seeking site stewards for several key dinosaur track sites.


Near Moab, Grand County, Utah
Photographer: Carole McCalla

During Jurassic time, a sauropod walked across mud, sinking deeply into it. The footprints can be seen preserved in the rock near Moab in Grand County. BLM interpretive site.

Slickrock Trail near Moab, Grand County, Utah
Photographer: Jim Davis

Giant weathering pits or potholes like this one (about 16 feet across at the bottom) in the Jurassic-age Navajo Sandstone typically form along fractures and joints atop fins, knolls, and rounded domes. Potholes are created through a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes that weather and erode the rock and are home to a remarkable array of ancient aquatic organisms.

North of Moab, Grand County, Utah
Photographer: Carole McCalla

A 15-inch-long theropod dinosaur track at the Copper Ridge Sauropod Tracksite. This Jurassic-age site includes the first sauropod tracks reported in Utah.








A herd of dinosaurs are trapped in rock outside Arches National Park, and state paleontologists need a helicopter to bring it back to the lab to see what’s really inside.

State paleontologists hope to line up a helicopter in the next few weeks to bring back the extraordinary discovery near Moab.