Tag Archive for: geologic

roots_earthquake_page_01Living in Utah means living with earthquakes. Do you know where earthquakes are likely to occur in Utah and what kind of damage they can cause? If a large earthquake occurred right now, what would you do? Do you have a disaster plan and supplies? Have you taken simple steps, such as strapping down your water heater, to reduce your earthquake risk at home?

These questions and others are now addressed in a new publication released by the Utah Seismic Safety Commission (USSC) called Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country – Your Handbook for Earthquakes in Utah. The “Roots” handbook is a comprehensive resource that provides a variety of information on earthquakes in Utah in an easy-to-read format.


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According to a new study just released by the Utah Geological Survey (UGS), Utah’s potential economic oil-shale resource equals approximately 77 billion barrels of shale oil. While the estimate is considerably smaller than numbers frequently quoted, it is still deserving of attention. “A domestic resource of this size is very significant; a conventional field with just 1 billion barrels is considered a ‘giant’,” says Michael Vanden Berg, UGS Project Geologist.


labelThe Utah Geological Survey (UGS) has uploaded a new and intriguing video about the Wasatch fault on YouTube. “The video is a great example of merging technology and knowledge,” said Rick Allis, UGS director. “To our knowledge, this is a first-of-its-kind video.”






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