Huge Trove of Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in Scotland

Hundreds of tracks discovered along Scotland’s coast show that huge, long-necked dinosaurs once trod there.


As the Provo River plunges off the south side of the Uinta Mountains along the Mirror Lake Highway, it cascades over innumerable ledges of Precambrian-age Uinta Mountain Group sandstone. Provo Falls, Summit County, Utah Photographer: Gregg Beukelman; © 2015

Take this in over your outdoor daydream today.


Provo Falls, Summit County, Utah
Photographer: Gregg Beukelman; © 2015

As the Provo River plunges off the south side of the Uinta Mountains along the Mirror Lake Highway, it cascades over innumerable ledges of Precambrian-age Uinta Mountain Group sandstone.