The Salt Lake segment of the Wasatch fault zone has produced eight large earthquakes in the last 12,000 years. As a whole, this network of faults generates a biggie every 900 to 1,300 years.
According to the geological record, the last temblor that exceeded magnitude 6.5, or the kind that can turn unreinforced masonry homes into piles of rubble, ripped Salt Lake 1,400 years ago.
“We’re due. Enough energy has accumulated on the Salt Lake segment that a large earthquake can happen at any time,” said Christopher DuRoss, of the Utah Geological Survey, who will co-lead a town hall meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on Utah’s seismic hazards. The event in Salt Lake City is part of the Seismological Society of America’s conference and the Great Utah ShakeOut, the state’s annual earthquake preparedness exercises.