Tag Archive for: UGS












by V.E. Langenheim, H. Willis, N.D. Athens, B.A. Chuchel, S.M. Kraushaar, N.E. Knepprath, J. Rosario, J. Roza, A.I. Hiscock, and C.L. Hardwick

A new isostatic residual gravity map of the northwest corner of Utah is based on compilation of preexisting data and new data collected by the Utah and United States Geological Surveys. Pronounced gravity lows occur over Junction, Grouse Creek, and upper Raft River Valleys, indicating significant thickness of low-density Tertiary sedimentary rocks and deposits. Gravity highs coincide with exposures of dense pre-Cenozoic rocks in the Raft River Mountains. Higher values in the eastern part of the map may be produced in part by deeper crustal density variations or crustal thinning. Steep linear gravity gradients coincide with mapped Neogene normal faults near Goose Creek and may define basin-bounding faults concealed beneath Junction and Upper Raft River Valleys.

MP-13-2        $14.95













by Dave Keighley

The Green River Formation of the Uinta Basin in eastern Utah is host to not only one of the world’s largest oil shale deposits, primarily  in the Mahogany oil shale zone, but it also contains significant conventional oil and gas reserves in interfingering sand bodies that  grade into the laterally equivalent Colton and Wasatch Formations. However, very few marker beds and intervals can be correlated across the basin to help subdivide the 2 km-thick succession of upper Green River Formation strata overlying the main oil shale zone. This report forms part of an ongoing attempt to subdivide this sedimentary succession by identifying systematic variations in the abundance of particular elements, by way of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry analyses, to produce a chemostratigraphy of the succession. This CD contains a 30-page report plus eight appendices.

MP-13-1         $14.95














by J. Lucy Jordan and Walid W. Sabbah

This CD contains a 125-page comprehensive study of the hydrogeology of Cedar Valley, Utah County, located in north-central Utah. The report includes 72 figures; two plates, one of which is a potentiometric map of the basin-fill, bedrock, and several perched aquifers; and seven appendices of data. Field investigations included groundwater chemistry sampling, regular water-level monitoring, and multiple-well aquifer testing. The field data were incorporated into a 3D digital groundwater flow model using MODFLOW2000.

Special Study 145     $24.95













by Douglas A. Sprinkel, Scott K. Madsen, James I. Kirkland, Gerald L. Waanders, and Gary J. Hunt

This 20-page report describes the stratigraphy of the Cedar Mountain and Dakota Formations in and around Dinosaur National Monument in northeast Utah and includes new palynology and radiometric age data. The contact between these formations is unconformable in which the Dakota Formation has incised into the underlying Cedar Mountain Formation. Locally, the Dakota includes a basal marine mudstone and shale until that contains late Albian dinoflagellate cysts, which represents peak sea level during the Kiowa-Skull Creek depositional cycle and indicates the first marine incursion of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway into Utah.

Special Study 143    $14.95














by Stefan M. Kirby

This map represents the geology of the Ophir quadrangle at 1:24,000 scale. The Ophir quadrangle, in southeastern Tooele County, Utah, includes part of the Oquirrh Mountains and an adjoining part of Rush Valley. Quaternary unconsolidated deposits cover the southwestern two-thirds of the quadrangle, and are broadly divisible into alluvial and lacustrine deposits that are separated by the highstand shoreline of Lake Bonneville. A series of down-to-the-southwest normal faults cut unconsolidated deposits and bedrock parallel to the margin of the Oquirrh Mountains and define the southern Oquirrh Mountain fault zone. Bedrock includes Pennsylvanian-to Cambrian-age sedimentary rocks exposed in the Oquirrh Mountains, which are broadly folded across the north-northwest tranding Ophir anticline. Igneous rocks include rhyolite dikes and other intrusions, and at least two magic dikes that cut across sedimentary bedding and some faults at high angles. This CD includes a 13-page report and two plates.

Map 257DM    $24.95













by Grant C. Willis

This CD contains plot files of a geologic map of the Glen Canyon Dam area of southern Utah and northern Arizona (provided as two plates-east and west parts), and is one of several maps recently completed by the Utah Geological Survey that provide complete geologic map coverage of Lake Powell and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Glen Canyon Dam, completed in 1964, is anchored in Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, the oldest formation exposed in the map area. Jurassic and Cretaceous strata are cut by a few small faults and warped by broad shallow folds. Surficial deposits consist of extensive river and stream terrace gravel, eolian sand, and minor alluvium and talus. The map is based on new field mapping and aerial photograph interpretation and is provided as two plates in PDF format with a 12-page explanatory booklet that describes map units.

Open-File Report 607     $14.95













by Greg N. McDonald and Richard E. Giraud

This map presents a landslide inventory for the 2012 Seeley fire area, Carbon and Emery counties, Utah, at a scale of 1:24,000. The purposes of the map and accompanying geodatabase are to show and characterize landslides and debris-flow areas and provide information useful for managing landslide-related issues within the burn area. Spatial and tabular data for each landslide are stored in the geodatabase and linked to the inventory map. Landslide information in the geodatabase includes: area, material type, movement type, landslide deposit name, landslide source name, movement activity, thickness, movement direction, approximate movement dates, geologic unit associated with landsliding, confidence in mapped boundaries, mapper, peer reviewer, and general comments.

Open-File Report 612     $19.95












by J. Lucy Jordan

This 62-page report details aquifer parameter estimation in and near Cedar Valley, west of Utah Lake and the Lake Mountains, in Utah County, Utah. The UGS conducted five aquifer tests on the two most important aquifers in the study area—the principal basin-fill aquifer and the fractured-bedrock aquifer. The aquifer tests on bedrock wells are of particular interest because of the importance of the bedrock groundwater resource in the Cedar Pass area, where surface water and shallow groundwater are scarce. The tests reveal valuable information about the interface between the basin- fill and bedrock aquifers, a key path for groundwater discharge from the Cedar Valley groundwater basin. Aquifer test analysis was combined with re-analysis of existing aquifer-test data and specific- capacity data from well logs to determine a range of hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and storativity for the aquifers. Anisotropy was identified in both the basin-fill and bedrock aquifers, and the bedrock aquifer was found to be bounded by semi-permeable aquifer boundaries; a wedge of Tertiary volcanic rock and buried faults are the likely barriers to groundwater flow near Cedar Pass.

Special Study 146     $19.95


This is a full-time, career service position, located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
 CLOSES: 5/12/2013

Job Characteristics: The incumbent in this position is responsible for design and layout of publications for both electronic and printed media, including books, magazines, brochures, posters, pamphlets, video and interactive CD-ROM, for the Utah Geological Survey. With minimal supervision, the incumbent will conceptualize, design, and layout high-quality publications using computer software (desktop publishing, graphics and multimedia programs) for print and multimedia formats, and work with Utah Geological Survey authors and other editorial staff to create specific graphics and design work for special projects (brochures, professional geologic posters, etc.). As part of the application process, in addition to completing the on-line application, applicants will be required to provide non-returnable samples of work or provide web link to a portfolio on the application. Applicants must have a strong portfolio that displays knowledge of design principles, color theory, layout skills, and typography.



Current Issue Contents:

The Early Miocene Markagunt Megabreccia
UGS Releases New Interactive Geologic Map
Energy News: Liquid-rich Shale Potential of the Uinta and Paradox Basins
Geologic Maps As Art
Glad You Asked: Can Rockfalls Cause Wildfires?
GeoSights: Notch Peak—BIG Cliff, Millard County
Teacher’s Corner
Survey News
New Publications