Tag Archive for: Mount Timpanogos

Stewart Falls and the eastern slopes of Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County. Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah Photographer: Elizabeth Firmage; © 2015

Happy Groundhog Day, everyone! This photo feels as warm as Milltown Mel’s early spring prediction (compared to this morning in Salt Lake at least, brr!). What’s everyone hoping for?

POTD 2-2-16 Mount Timpanogos

Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Elizabeth Firmage; © 2015

Stewart Falls and the eastern slopes of Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County.

Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Stevie Emerson; © 2013

Glacially carved Timpanogos Basin in the Wasatch Range, Utah County.

Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Stevie Emerson, © 2013

The Wasatch Range was once home to more than 60 glaciers. On the east slope of Mount Timpanogos, Emerald Lake occupies a glacially carved cirque in the Pennsylvanian-age Bear Canyon Member of the Oquirrh Formation.

Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Grant Willis; ©2011

White traces of early snow dust prominent sandstone and limestone rock layers on Mount Timpanogos and contrast with lower-elevation yellow-tinted aspen trees. The sedimentary rocks are the Pennsylvanian-age Bear Canyon Member of the Oquirrh Formation that have been transported eastward over 30 miles on thrust faults.

Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah
Photographer: Jason Berry

Thousands of years of precipitation, wind, and glacial erosion have sculpted the east face of the Mount Timpanogos massif. The steep cliffs and snow-covered ledges of the Oquirrh Formation exposed on Roberts Horn (10,953 feet) are reminiscent of the Canadian Rockies.