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MP-16-1DM CD Insert

By:Tracey J. Felger, David M. Miller, Victoria E. Langenheim, and Robert J. Fleck

The Kelton Pass SE and Monument Peak SW 7.5′ quadrangles (NW Utah) are located entirely within southern Curlew Valley, which drains south into Great Salt Lake, and extends north into Idaho. Bedrock exposures form the Wildcat Hills and two small shield volcanoes. Exposed rocks and deposits are Permian to Holocene in age and include sandstone of the Permian Oquirrh Formation, tuffaceous sedimentary rocks of the Miocene Salt Lake Formation, Pliocene basaltic and dacitic lava flows, Pleistocene rhyolite and basalt, and Pleistocene and Holocene surficial deposits of alluvial, lacustrine, and eolian origin. Structures related to the Miocene Raft River detachment fault and Basin and Range extension also are present. New geophysical data and interpretations and new geochronology data for volcanic units improved insight into the tectonic and volcanic evolution of the area.

MP 15-3 Insert

By: Esther M. Kingsbury-Stewart, Paul K. Link, Carol M. Dehler, and Shannon L. Osterhout

The Kings Peak 7.5-minute quadrangle straddles the crest of the Uinta Mountains in the High Uinta Wilderness Area and contains Kings Peak, Utah’s highest point. The peaks and cliffs are comprised of the newly formalized formations of the Neoproterozoic (late Precambrian) Uinta Mountain Group, which is about 770 to 742 million years old. The basins, basin margins, and cirques are filled with glacial deposits of Smith Fork age-32,000 to 14,000 years ago (Pinedale equivalent). The quadrangle also straddles the anticline crest of the Uinta arch. A series of igneous dikes are exposed in the quadrangle. These dikes cut formations of the Uinta Mountain Group are about 450 to 490 million years old.


by Steve D. Bowman and William R. Lund

This compilation includes 20 reports pertaining to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-funded National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) paleoseismic investigations conducted between 1978 and 2012, one report that predates the NEHRP program, and 36 annual to semi-annual Summaries of Technical Reports authored by funded NEHRP investigators. These reports contain information on some of the first paleoseismic investigations conducted on the Wasatch fault zone. Original authors made few copies of these reports, and many are very difficult to locate. This publication makes these otherwise hard-to-find legacy reports easily accessible to scientists, government policy makers, and the general public.

MP-13-3         $14.95



The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was signed into law as of February 17, 2009. Portions of the ARRA energy funds will be directly administered by the Utah State Energy Program (USEP).