Tag Archive for: Kanarraville


With wells at Quichapa Lake having dropped approximately 75 feet since 1990, officials in Cedar City and Central Iron County Water Conservancy District are planning for additional water resources they can develop in the near future with the hopes of taking stress off the aquifer that geologists insist is being over-mined.


By: Robert F. Biek and Janice M. Hayden

The Kanarraville quadrangle includes the southern part of Cedar Valley and parts of the adjacent Kolob Terrace, Harmony Mountains, and North Hills. It straddles a particularly instructive area of structural overlap between the Sevier fold thrust belt-represented by the overturned, east limb of the Kanarra anticline exposed at the west edge of the Kolob Terrace-and the Basin and Range physiographic province, whose east margin corresponds to the Hurricane fault zone at the base of the plateau. Regional ash-flow tuffs erupted from calderas in western Utah and eastern Nevada are present in the Harmony Mountains and North Hills; in the Harmony Mountains, these tuffs are involved in a large gravity slide shed off the nearby Stoddard Mountain laccolith, which erupted to produce an ash-flow tuff now partly buried by the gravity slide.

This CD contains the geologic map at 1:24,000 and a 31-page booklet describing the geology of the Kanarraville 7.5-minute quadrangle. All of the files are in PDF format. The latest version of Adobe Reader is required to view the PDF files.