Tag Archive for: awards

Seven recipients will be presented with the Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology during an awards ceremony Tuesday at Discovery Gateway in Salt Lake City.

The awards program, started in 1987, recognizes Utah people and companies whose career achievements or distinguished service have benefited the state in the areas of science and technology.

The Salt Lake Tribune
Deseret News

The Utah State Energy Program (USEP) has been allocated almost $9.6 million from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG). Dr. Jerriann Ernstsen, manager of the EECBG program, urges local governments to start planning now to help prevent communities from missing the funding opportunity application period, which will have a very narrow window of time to apply. The project types will focus on energy efficiency retrofits, on-site renewable energy systems, traffic and street lighting, and other related projects.


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Energy Efficiency and Conversation Block Grant